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Alice Daniels
Oct 10, 2023
Help! I’m a crap cook!
Alice Daniels shares her advice for tackling the task of cooking as a student.

Ciara Hay
Nov 10, 2022
Simple and tasty student meal ideas
Cooking well-balanced, tasty meals can be difficult when on a student schedule - Ciara shares some of her own recipes for a hungry student.

Lia Freeman
Feb 17, 2022
Struggling to get back to your university routine? Here are some tips to help you!
As semester two is well underway, Lia Freeman shares some tips to help you get back into the swing of things.

Swathi Paul
Nov 3, 2020
3 tasty, budget friendly meals to make at university
For many students being at university is the first time they shall cook; this can seem daunting.
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