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Leah Massingham
Nov 30, 2022
Breaking the Stigma: Fast fashion doesn’t make you ignorant
The ideas of up-cycling and thrifting have been around for years. However, the recent increase of awareness surrounding issues such as...

Helen Hui
Oct 5, 2022
Back to Uni: sustainable ways to upgrade your wardrobe
As the new academic year begins, students everywhere are looking to re-vamp their wardrobe. But – before you splash your cash on...

Miette Dsouza
Apr 27, 2022
The size inclusivity problem in thrift stores
"Not seeing size-inclusive clothing at thrift stores makes us feel like outliers."

Katie Wheatley
Feb 9, 2022
How much of an impact has the ‘wear it once’ culture had on our society?
Lucy and Yak have the answers.

Katie Wheatley
Dec 15, 2021
OPINION: We shouldn’t feel the pressure to change our style every new year
There’s an undeniable pressure to want to change every aspect of ourselves as each new year begins – and style is no exception.

Nadia Lincoln
Dec 1, 2021
M&S is combating unsustainable fashion this Christmas
This year M&S is gifting us the opportunity to be more sustainable by offering a clothes rental service.

Gina Kalsi
Sep 28, 2021
Long denim skirts: Fashion favourite or unsustainable microtrend?
Is the return of long denim skirts a stark reminder of the micro-trend mania in 2021?

Katie Wheatley
May 25, 2021
Meet the platform leading the way to a sustainable future
The Conscience Collective is tackling social and environmental issues for the greater good of women and people of colour.

Amber O'Connor
Mar 25, 2021
Renoon: The new must-have sustainable fashion app
Is this new app the future of sustainable shopping? Liberty Belle investigates.

Katie Wheatley
Mar 17, 2021
How to make your makeup bag more sustainable: what's stopping you?
Lockdown has given many people the opportunity to change their habits, and becoming more sustainable has been no exception.

Miriam Kuepper
Feb 18, 2021
Embroidery: It's the 'reel' deal
Embroidery is one of the easiest 2021 trends to follow – whether you embroider your old clothes or buy new items, why not hop on board?

Katie Wheatley
Feb 10, 2021
Kindle or paperback? The big question answered...
The debate over physical and digital books still remains – have up-to-date e-books finally overtaken the popularity of physical books?

Lucy Eaton
Jan 25, 2021
Are trends 'sooo last season'?
Is it time we ditch fashion trends and decide what we want to wear for ourselves? Lucy Eaton finds out.

Emily Duff
Jan 21, 2021
Fashion trends we should leave in 2020
If you're looking to revamp your wardrobe, here are the trends that should go – or maybe we should ditch the concept of trends altogether?

Aditi Rane
Dec 31, 2020
My 2021 fashion resolutions
Making fashion-related New Year’s Resolutions has never been more important. Change starts with you.

Ellie Ground
Dec 7, 2020
A guide to thrift shopping in Sheffield
As more and more information emerges about the detrimental impact of the fashion industry, sustainability is fast becoming a priority

Victoria Sales
Dec 3, 2020
Give charity shopping a chance
Believe it or not, some of my most loved items of clothing were found in charity shops.

Swathi Paul
Nov 27, 2020
Sustainable Beauty Basics
This is Mani! Mani is taking a nap because he is tired of asking people to use less plastic and consume less. As Mani's parent, I have...

Olivia Ann Schofield
Nov 23, 2020
Blast from the past: The growth of vintage fashion
The word vintage takes on many forms. From initially being associated with old, unwanted items, it has been coined into an edgy trend.

Florenne Earle Ledger
Nov 20, 2020
The detriments of online shopping
The detriments of fast fashion have been brought to our attention by recent scandals, such as SHEIN selling Muslim prayer matts
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