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Marti Stelling
Nov 15, 2023
Wouldn’t it be nice if making friends was as easy as it was in primary school?
You normally became friends with someone because they lived near you, or your parents were friends with their parents. You had a...

Alice Daniels
Oct 10, 2023
Help! I’m a crap cook!
Alice Daniels shares her advice for tackling the task of cooking as a student.

Madelynne Flack
Nov 23, 2022
Student read: A guide to shopping for your Christmas ball
Whether you’re searching for your perfect ball gown or a striking suit, this guide will give you all the ideas you need.

Rebecca McPhillips
Apr 28, 2022
Ask Becky: Avoiding burnout and managing time at university
Navigating university life can be overwhelming, and our columnist Rebecca shares how you can manage your time and avoid burnout.

Abbie Howell
Feb 22, 2022
Unwind with me: Self-care evening edition
After the busy period of exams and never-ending deadlines, it’s no secret we’re all in need of a bit of relaxation.

Lia Freeman
Feb 17, 2022
International students – here's how you can get back into your university routine after travelling
Lia Freeman shares her top tips.

Nicole Calogero
Feb 14, 2022
My look book for a busy Valentine's Day
Planning Valentine's can be hard enough as it is, let alone adding a full day of lectures to the mix.

Olivia Booth
Dec 16, 2021
How to use the Christmas break to prepare for the upcoming semester
Olivia shares her best tips for using the holidays to prepare for the next semester, as well as taking the time to relax.

Michelle Almeida
Dec 10, 2021
International students – here's how you can get airport ready
Excited to fly back home for the holidays? Michelle Almeida shares suggestions on how you can prepare for a stress-free journey.

Jasmine Alakija
Dec 9, 2021
Your mental health matters – and you shouldn’t feel bad for seeking help
As deadlines approach, stress, anxiety and mental health issues follow. Jasmine shares the importance of prioritising your mental health.

Rebecca McPhillips
Nov 18, 2021
Advice Column: Ask Becky!
Meet Rebecca McPhillips – she'll be sharing advice on anything and everything in her brand new column, Ask Becky.

Hannah MacGregor
Nov 11, 2021
10 things I wish I knew before going to university
Here are 10 things Hannah MacGregor wished she knew before embarking on the best years of her life.

Aleeyah Sivardeen
Nov 4, 2021
Here's how you can have a work, university and social life balance
At university we often hear the phrase ‘work hard, play hard’ – but what does this mean as a modern-day university student?

Niamh Woodmass
Oct 14, 2021
Tips to cure homesickness
Whether you're a fresher or a returning student, it's never easy to leave home. Niamh Woodmass shares her tips on curing homesickness.

Athena Stavrou
Sep 30, 2021
Liberty Belle's freshers survival tips
The essential guide all freshers need to read at the start of their university journey.

Imogen Bowlt
Jan 25, 2021
Opinion: Should our university fees be reduced?
Peoples' lives have been interrupted. But students have undoubtedly been one of the most neglected groups in the UK.

Lucy Lillystone
Jan 21, 2021
From one student to another: top tips to stay calm during this stressful exam period
Don’t forget that you are not alone – your friends are going through the exact same thing so when the stress gets too much, reach out.

Miriam Kuepper
Jan 19, 2021
The effect of Brexit on international students
Similar to many British students wishing to have the opportunity of a year abroad with Erasmus, Brexit also crushed a lot of my hopes.

Abbie Howell
Nov 23, 2020
Opinion: Is the mental health of students being neglected during the pandemic?
Until we’re able to function as normal once again, current help being provided
by universities should be continually checked.

Maddy Burgess
Nov 16, 2020
Liberty Belle's Self Care Guide
With lockdown and everyone stuck inside, it can be hard to maintain a positive mindset, especially in University accommodation when you...
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