Your final weeks of university can be extremely stressful. You’re ditching healthy eating for greasy comfort food, and you’re substituting your skincare routine to squeeze in extra revision. Soon your seeing stress-induced acne popping out.
So here are some tips to keep your skin looking flawless while you ace your exams.
1- Masks and patches are your best friends: Having a face mask on while you get through some reading or lectures can help refresh, hydrate and prevent acne. Plus, it’s time friendly too!
Alternatively, if you do end up breaking out, sticking a patch onto the spot can reduce the inflammation that’ll help you look flawless once you’re done with exams. COSRX patches are my favourite that actually show results. And, they’re affordable too!
2- Watch your food intake: It’s compelling to order some takeout instead of sipping on coconut water and snacking on ‘healthy’ munch-ables. While you should take your breaks indulging in some greasy comfort meals, try to make a conscious effort to monitor food intake that causes your breakouts- maybe ditch the caffeine for some smoothies or O.J?
3- Fresh air always helps: Being indoors all day can be dull, draining, and can impact your skin. You are, after all, spending time in a room where your skin’s breathing in the same air. Stepping out helps open your pores, which allows your skin to breathe better.
According to an article by Style & Life by Susana: “When your pores are open, it means that they are removing toxins from your skin. At the same time, they help your skin eliminate waste from the body, and the skin is better able to do this in cleaner environments. This means that you will be less likely to experience acne breakouts, skin imperfections and irritations.”
4- Switch off the devices and show yourself some love: As much as you want to spend as much time cramming and getting more notes done, you need to shut down all devices and just look after yourself! This is not just to look after your skin but to keep yourself mentally healthy as well. Play some music and show your skin some love by slathering some facial oils and massaging it with a facial roller or Gua Sha.
Laptops give out damaging HEV blue light that can cause inflammation, dryness, pigmentation and more. If you need to get some last-minute notes, your best option is to switch to your books or print the documents, or just switch off and spend time for yourself.
5- Don’t forget the day of the exam as well: You may have prepped your skin the night before, but it doesn’t stop there. Just an hour before your exam, a pair of under-eye patches can brighten up your skin. Maybe even a applying a pea-amount of sunscreen can give you a glow and prevent your skin from looking dull.
Your end of the year exam weeks can be taxing and can affect your health. It’s essential to look after yourself, and by following these tips, you’re well on your way to look stress and acne-free after your exams.