You’ve left your loved ones and maybe even your adored pets behind to go on one of the
greatest adventures of your life: studying in a foreign country! But how do you get settled in?
How do you find new people and, more importantly, how do you talk to them? Here are some of my tips on how to make the very best of your time away from home.
1. Explore
Go for a walk in your neighbourhood during one of the first days after you’ve arrived.
Figure out where the best grocery stores and the nearest bus stops are. Take some
photographs to send to your family and friends back home. This way some places
might start to look a bit more familiar, and you might find your brand-new favourite
spot in the city.
2. Take the first step
You might know the feeling: you’re early and waiting outside the classroom. There
are a few other people there and there is an awkward silence. My tip: start up a
conversation with someone who is also by themselves. This might be a bit less
daunting than approaching a big group of people and who knows? Maybe that person
is looking for new friends too!
3. Do your research
Find out if there are clubs or groups that interest you in the city. You can use search engines
to do this or ask around. This is a great way to surround yourself with people with
similar interests! Tip: universities have their own societies, you can check the Student's Union website to find these.
4. Don’t be too hard on yourself
Making friends takes some time and it is unfair to make yourself feel bad if you do not
have a solid group of friends after a few days. Take your time and don’t pressure
yourself too much. After all, your time abroad is supposed to be a fun experience to
help you grow. Breaking yourself down is the last thing you need.
Edited by Caitlin Hart