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Historical Films to add to your 2021 watchlist

Jemma Snowdon

The new year is a perfect time to start filling your watchlist with new films. Being a historical film buff myself, I have sifted through the streaming platforms, so you don’t have to. Here are some great options that I found to start your cinematic adventure of 2021.

Mary Queen of Scots (2018)

This film has been out since 2018 but was only recently added onto Netflix. After finally being able to watch this film, I’m pleased to say I was not disappointed. Saoirse Ronan presents Mary’s fiery personality and determination to make her way in a world that seems pitted against her, and does so extremely well. However, it is important to stay aware of the inevitable dramatisation that appears with any historical film. I always feel that Mary is often a forgotten character of the Elizabethan era and so to see her as the main role in a critically acclaimed film was exciting. This makes the film an important feature of any watchlist this year.

Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom (2013)

Keeping the spirit of ‘Black Lives Matter‘ alive, this film is definitely an important one to add to your 2021 watchlist. The film follows the story of Nelson Mandela in his work to bring the divided society of South Africa together. A fight which eventually led him to become the country’s first black president. While the media coverage of the movement may have died down, it is more important than ever to educate ourselves on black history to encourage a more egalitarian society. This film is an example of why the movement is so important. I always enjoy films that can be related to modern day and this is one of those films.

First Man (2018)

I’ve only just watched this film myself and felt it was essential for anyone looking for a new watch in the new year. Here, we look at Neil Armstrong’s journey to becoming the first man to walk on the moon (hence the title!). It’s quite interesting to find out how he managed to create history while struggling with family issues himself. It is a strong reminder that we never know what people truly go through behind closed doors. For modern history lovers, this film is a great one to go alongside Mandela; Long Walk to Freedom.

The Darkest Hour (2017)

I have to admit that I’m a sucker for a good war film. Therefore, it is only right to include this classic in a watchlist. The period covered is considered a turning point in the Second World War. A time when Winston Churchill, the war hero himself, takes the reigns from Neville Chamberlin and leads Great Britain through what seemed to be the toughest moment in the war for the allies. Finishing with the powerful words of strength from Churchill’s ‘We shall fight on the beaches’ speech, the film leaves you wanting more. Therefore, this is a great film to unlock an adventure into the events of World War 2, something easily followed through the vast amount of films out there. I would strongly recommend watching this film alongside Dunkirk, which stars Harry Styles, as they both cover the same time period and this really helps to put the events into context.

Whether you are looking for a film to start off a long historical adventure, one to learn from or simply a good watch for a Saturday night, these are some of my recommendations which should take prime position in your watchlist for 2021.

Edited by Hannah Youds

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