Most girls will have some memory of the dreaded makeup wipe patrol from an SLT teacher at secondary school. Sometimes at the gate, sometimes in assembly, sometimes during form time. But whenever it was, it was equally terrifying and embarrassing.
It seems like quite a waste of time having senior staff in schools walking around with cheap wipes, hunting out some blusher rather than actually working on things like combating bullying. However, we can all agree that there were some people that took the makeup too far - Russian lashes, harsh contour, and overlined lips to name just a few.
For the majority of students, a school day’s makeup look consisted of foundation, concealer, an eyebrow pencil, and maybe even a coat of mascara. This begs the question, what’s the harm in young teenage girls wearing appropriate makeup in school?
The most common reason given for this rule is that it’s 'distracting’, however I think it’s fair to say that it is more distracting to a student to feel insecure whilst going about their school day.
We have to remember that young girls often have insecurities about their complexion - especially during puberty - therefore not being able to conceal their skin may be unsettling for young women who just want to fit in.
The idea that banning makeup in schools teaches students to love themselves as they are is great in theory, however practically speaking, it’s not that simple. Especially when there are so many influencers with appealingly 'perfect skin' all over their phones every single day.
I remember feeling insecure at that age and it felt like the end of the world when I’d wake up with a new spot on my face. When I would take the gamble of covering it with some contraband concealer, I was actually more distracted by the fear of getting caught and being forced to wipe it off than I was about the makeup itself.
The best compromise would be finding a middle ground between a carpet ban and taking it too far. Limits on what students can wear such as no false lashes, no colour eyeshadows or lipsticks and no outrageous contour. Yet, still allowing minimal makeup that makes students feel comfortable and able to concentrate on their schoolwork.
Edited by Faith Suronku-Lindsay