After almost two years of lockdowns and online learning, I’m sure lots of us are excited about finally having face-to-face classes again. Whether you’re a fresher who has just arrived in Sheffield or a returning student set to graduate in under a year's time, feelings of homesickness are completely normal after such a long time at home.
These emotions are nothing to be ashamed of. Although I now commute from home for my MA, I did my BA in Bournemouth – plus a placement year in Spain – so I experienced my fair share of days where all I wanted to do was run back to the comfort of home.
One thing that helped me was to bring as many photos as possible of my family and friends and put them up in my room so I’d be reminded of them every day. You can get up to 45 6x4 prints a month from Free Prints, which is a great, affordable option. I’d also recommend spending time decorating your new space to make it more you – fairy lights, plants, cosy bedding, and sentimental items can make such a difference when trying to create a ‘home away from home’.
I would also recommend meeting lots of new people, which is easy when you've got hundreds of societies at your fingertips. From sport to politics to journalism, Sheffield has so many societies on offer. It can be easy to shut yourself away when you’re missing home, but there are new opportunities out there, especially as Sheffield runs a ‘give it a go’ events programme that provides tasters of different societies with no drastic monetary obligations. Commit to trying something new, even if it’s a sport you’ve never thought of before – you never know what it may lead to.
Equally, be sure to keep an easy means of communication with home. Although we’re all pleased to see the back of virtual quiz nights, FaceTime and Skype are accessible ways to keep in contact with your loved ones, whether they are an hour away or in a completely different country.
I want to say whatever you’re feeling at this time, you are not alone. Lots of people struggle with homesickness, even if they don’t show it. Be kind to yourself and take on any new opportunity that comes your way.
Edited by Michelle Almeida