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Abbie Howell

Unwind with me: Self-care evening edition

Updated: Feb 24, 2022

After the busy period of exams and never-ending deadlines, it’s no secret we’re all in need of a bit of relaxation.

In between studying and nights out it’s so important that we don’t forget one of the most important factors in our lives; looking after ourselves.

Looking after yourself can mean eating food you enjoy, fuelling your body and taking part in any sort of movement you love. Crucially, it also means taking care of your mental and emotional health so that you always have the energy to do the things that make you, you.

An amazing way to do this is a self-care evening routine! Nothing feels better to the mind than an evening just for you before chaotic University life starts again. Each person’s self-care routine will look different but a few basic steps will always lead to the outcome of feeling relaxed.

To start my routine I always treat myself to a long, hot shower. As we’re in winter at the moment, I begin by washing my hair and applying a deep-conditioning hair mask (I love the Garnier Ultimate Blends Hair Food collection) and then using the Soap & Glory Body Scrub to get rid of any dry skin.

Once my shower is done, I move on to my favourite step of the entire routine: body brushing! Using a natural-bristle brush, follow a lymphatic drainage technique in order to flush toxins out of the skin and leave it feeling plump. Out of everything in my routine, this is definitely the step I find most relaxing- and with brushes being available from £3 it’s a super affordable way to show yourself some care!

After moisturizing my face and body and drying my hair, I move on to the mental portion of my self-care routine. I’ve been a fan of meditating for years and know it’s helped my mind relax during turbulent moments in life. There are plenty of guided meditations on YouTube for people (like me) who can’t sit in silence. Next, I put on my oil diffuser, grab a pen and paper, and write out any thoughts that I’ve had throughout the day which I feel I need to ‘unload’. For any over-thinkers out there, this is a great exercise to ‘release’ thoughts that weigh you down.

To sleep, I adore applying a pillow spray (my fave is the Sanctuary Spa Sleep Mist) to my

sheets and then curling up with a book or tv show that makes me feel relaxed and content. Gilmore Girls is my current watch and always completes my unwinding evening routine.

Try some of these techniques out and see how much they help you relax and unwind! Let Liberty Belle know what you do to relax.

Edited by Tia Xiourouppas

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